Clash Royale How to Counter Sparky Effectively !!

Lately, There have been lots of complaints about the new Legendary card, the Sparky. It is a very overbearing card which can deal an insane amount of damage. It will completely destroy your Tower If you don’t know how to deal with it properly.

1. Use Guards - Guards is a very great card which spawns 3 skeletons with shields. In my opinion it is the most effective counter for Sparky as it can withstand any Damage dealt on the Shields. Drop Guards so that they surround Sparky and then watch them Take it out.

2. Use Troops like 1 Elixir Skeletons or Tombstone or Skeleton Army - 1 elixir skeletons can make the Sparky fire and reset its count so the defender has 5 more seconds to Counter it with high DPS cards.
Tombstone is a great way to Stop Sparky as it constantly keeps spawning Skeletons.
Skeleton Army combined with Skeletons can Also be helpful in Stopping the Sparky.

BUT skeletons are very unreliable as Anyone who sends a Sparky sends support troops with it and they can take out the skeletons fast.

3. Skeleton Giant - It is another great card to counter sparky as it can take around 2 hits + Deal Damage + Death Damage to kill support troops and take 2/3 of sparky's health .

4. Barbarians- Put them above sparky so that they are on the 4 corners they can deal decent damage too.

Combine these strategies with Zap Spell to kill the Sparky without losing a single unit.

If you have more suggestions please comment with your In-Game Name Below and those will be added too .
